Storms, ice, trees down, power out, no heat, no phones, ( "...no pool, no pets, I ain't got no cigarettes..." Sorry, I got carried away.) What a crazy parade of days! We are very glad to be back in school!
We had a visitor today from South Africa. Roland Abrahams is an English teacher and Associate Director of Christel House Academy in Cape Town. His school's mission is to break the cycle of poverty - poverty is a criteria for admission. He arrived at Emma Willard last week and has experienced his first snow and ice and slept by the fireplace for three nights. It was a privilege to have him at Parker for the day. He said he felt such warmth and leaning here. We hope to keep our lines of communication open for future exchange.
There is cookin' goin' on down in the kitchen! Thomas Christenfeld and the the eighth grade are making soup. Three kinds, I've heard. I can sure smell it and it smells great. Proceeds from tonight's sale of student-made bowls and other donated bowls will go to Joseph's House in Troy.
Many who were without power over the last few days feel increased empathy for those who struggle daily to find heat and food. It is humbling to think of our tenuous hold on the privilege of light and heat and easy communication. And for having a school open to us that is filled with a richness of materials and shared humanity.