Lynn Schuster said of the 2-3 students Show of Work on India, as they created a Hindu Temple, played SmartBoard Jeopardy, and shared their Deity essays :
This study was multi-faceted and interdisciplinary. The work and experiences pushed and stretched our students to explore and develop new skills. Writing a thoughtful and interesting essay with greater ease! Creating detailed and beautiful works of art that captured their powers of observation! Dancing! Translating facts into interesting presentations! Showing great poise and confidence as they shared their new knowledge with you and our school community, they demonstrated stamina and an independent commitment to their tasks. 
In K-1, the room was transformed into a rainforest in Costa Rica, with rainforest facts, research on birds, creative stories, a pop-up book...
I am reading progress reports right now - the array of deep studies in math, social studies, science, writing, Spanish... wait for the next blog entry for more!