Have iPads replaced conversation at the dinner table? What do infants observe when their parents are on their smartphones? Should you be your child's friend on Facebook?

I hope you will read this book. I couldn't put it down. It speaks directly to our worries about how a toddler's brain is affected by screen time. About how we need to heighten our attention to our tweens and teens and what their hidden internet lives are. She helps us grapple with whether to give our second graders iPads. And how to set limits for ourselves and our kids.
Steiner-Adair is practical and sensible and the book is a great read.
We will have two discussion sessions at Parker using this book as a jumping off point. You don't have to read the book to participate, but it would be great if you read even one of the chapters. I'll be there and I'll recruit a teacher or two to weigh in. Let's talk about these issues together!
Tweens,Teens and Technology
Wednesday, October 7
5:00 - 5:45 PM in the Library
Connected Lives - Ages 3 to 10
Thursday, October 15
8:30 - 9:15 AM in the Library
Let me know if you are interested in a later evening time for another session! mtaylor@parkerschool.org