Pre K's rolled in the somewhat meager supply of snow, but then they did a snow dance - and it worked! The flurries are flying as I write.
After a whole week of the book fair, the picture I got was of the boxes ready to go back to Scholastic! It doesn't look like much compared to what we started with. We made over $900 for the library! Our parent volunteers spent long hours manning the cash box. There is no way to pull this fund raiser off without parents' help volunteering, sending in cash for wish lists, and putting up with cries for "Just this one more book, pleeeease!" Thank you to ALL - Thank you, thank you!
The 8th grade Oxfam hunger awareness banquet last night was very moving. Our students dressed up and spoke with power about world hunger. With the help of James, Dan and Susie, they put on a feast for a few, and offered rice and beans for many. I pulled a ticket for the "rich" table - boy, does that feel uncomfortable! But not as uncomfortable I'm sure as those who just got a scoop of rice to eat with their hands. The $1,036 they raised is for Oxfam America. Well done!!
1 comment:
Yeah, Alex wasn't too crazy about being in the low-income group!
More pictures, and Alex's perspective, are on Learning About Hunger At The Oxfam Banquet on Living Be Learning.
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