What is it about s'mores? Just smelling the campfire drew me down to the field and now my fingers are sticky with marshmallow and I smell like smoke - I love it!
Our kids are loving camp. James had Adventure campers on a trip to the USS Slater; they have set up secret circles in the woods, built fires, kicked back in a tent, played lots of great games - a kid's dream week!
Teddy Bear campers have managed to get into the water every day - even though the week has been cool. They have cooked, made passports and been transported to a fishy world of under the sea songs and activities.
Art Camp and Fairy Tale Camp have delighted in creating magical worlds with paper jungles and giant origami canoes and masks for daily performances. Campers have cooked up a batch of stone soup, written their own tales, and held daily performances - along with donning bathing suits, playing in water, and eating their share of s'mores.
Tastes like summer!
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