Just one week has passed? So much has happened in school life it's hard to believe!
Field Day dawned rainy, but the rain cleared and water events, climbing tower, and ice cream sundae bar ensued! Eighth graders beat the teachers at soccer 3 to 0 - despite Natalie's heroic (but unfortunately illegal) efforts.
On graduation day, twin maple trees were planted, one in memory of Gene Valle, Max's dad and Lynn Scheiner's husband, and one the eighth grade gift. In future years when we sit in the shade of these beautiful trees, we will feel Gene's spirit. His commitment to work days and his dedication to making Parker the best it could be will not be forgotten.
At graduation our eighth graders made us proud with beautifully written and spoken speeches. Their sentiments reflected love of their friends as well as appreciation for their teachers. They spoke of learning about themselves and finding confidence from the challenge of writing a thesis. The strongest theme was the fun they all had together. There is nothing more valuable for their future success than intellectual curiosity, resiliency, making and keeping true friends, and the ability to have fun.
The fun continued with the limbo at the graduation dance!
Now, nine weeks of summer camp have begun. There is an alternative-fuel vehicle rally planned for Friday as part of Energy Quest. Kids are making vehicles of all kinds and several local companies will bring the latest ethanol, hybrid and diesel autos - come join the fun!