Afterward were shows of work in K-1 and 2-3 with a blacksmith shop and wigwam, a beaver being dressed by the audience, demonstrations of butter making (and eating), an African safari and village marketplace. There was a picnic with ethnic food and a bowl of Three Sisters salad. Buddies shared a tasty dessert and lots of time together at recess. At the graduation singing rehearsal everyone sounded beautiful.
Next week brings field day, a Pre K picnic, and graduation. How did the year rush by? Why does time passing seem so surprising?
I can't get over how much the kids have grown, and I can't believe we have been gone three years!! I think this is a great blog, and I will visit more often.
Please give my regards to all who remember me; and toss Freddie an extra snack for me, too!
Not sure who K go green is! Give us your name!
It's Kate Daly!! Hi! we miss you, too!
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