Teachers come in many forms at Parker. This morning a Pre K Dad taught the 4-year-olds about making pasta from scratch as part of pasta week. Yum! Felix was the teacher in second grade math, using Popsicle sticks in bundles for counting. James, our middle school social studies teacher, was demonstrating how to use the new Smart Board. Thank you Jasper, for being the guinea pig!
Some January units of study:
Pre K - Wood scrap sculptures with descriptive stories; pasta week; Doctor’s office
K-1 - Winter weather and hibernation; local birds and bird stories; calendar projects; a Mexican market
2-3 – Writing and illustrating a class book tracing the history of the Hudson River; Hudson River math; monetary systems; floor tennis
4-5 - Power points on tree research; building tree models for the Hudson River display; thousands charts; fractions; archery
6-7 - Ancient Greece; Alexander the Great time machine project; alternative energy presentations as part of Challenge 20/20; viruses, bacteria, and infectious disease; The Taming of the Shrew
8 - Thesis research; Macbeth; creating a Day of the Dead altar in Spanish; archery
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