What an evening it was! Laughter and delight were on each person's face. Young and old had a wonderful time and a lovely taste of Shakespeare. I will recap the program notes here:
Over the last six years we have also explored Hamlet, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, Othello, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Julius Caesar, A Comedy of Errors, and several sonnets.
The younger grades have explored the writings of Shakespeare, Frank Stockton, Dr. Seuss, Shel Silverstein, Quentin Blake, Emily Arnold McCully, Broadway musicals, English country songs and dances, and circus skills.
It is part poetry, pageantry, parade, play, improvisation, and process - and lots of production goodies!
Sean Fagan, our visiting Shakespearean clown, helps teachers and kids pull together an amazing show.
Thanks to all who made it all happen, including parents, teachers, and our students!
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