Writing and performing a Salem Witch Trial (using vivid language and strong acting!), using a scale in math class, acting wacky at recess...all images from a week full of action.
Today I saw a Power Point given by two 6th graders on bacteria, with links to You Tube clips of live bacteria. "You should have seen the video of a plant eating a frog!" said Pablo.
There was a lively discussion going on in 8th grade social studies about The Bill of Rights. Who actually knows anything first hand about billeting soldiers? But search and seizure and the right to bear arms were hot topics.
In 4-5 they were writing what and how they could make tools from nature like Iroquois children had to. The class had been out by the tree house to see what they might use.
K-1's were playing pac man tag in gym class. Pre K'ers were wearing red fire hats (some wearing bride gowns.) 2-3's read their "I Am" poems in assembly. Their writing was so powerful. Here is Megan A's:
I am from purrs of love and playful nibbles
I am from chocolate icecream to steaming peas soup
I am from far away grandparents to very near neighbors
I am from dragons and unicorns to deer in my lawn
I am from hot cocoa to delicious snowcones
I am from the closest friends to sitting alone in my room
I am from a purring snuggle bug to a rambunctious dog
I am from steaming hot summers to fluffy white snow
I am from beautiful singing to sports with Darcy
I am from reading with Carol to running at recess
I am from a very big hospital to a very small house
I am from great teachers to not so great expanders
I am from delicious mashed potatoes to disgusting vegetables
I am from expressing my dreams to holding in tears
I am from a playing my flute to dancing in my room
I am from a yellow house to an apartment at the beach
I am from a loving Mom and Dad to an OK sister
I am from a very great school with very close friends
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