Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jambo Jipya School

We had a presentation a month ago by a very poised 22 year old, Keela Dates. Keela is the founder of Reason2Smile, a support organization for Jambo Jipya, a school in Kenya for orphaned and at-risk children. Since 2004 the school has expanded from one mud hut to 11 cement classrooms with 300 students ages 3 - 18.

Our students were inspired to reach out. When Keela goes to Kenya next month, she will take with her t-shirts our students decorated with artwork they designed. She will also take plain t-shirts and paints from Parker so that students at Jambo Jipya can send something back.

Jambo Jipya means "something new." You can find out more about Jambo Jipya at Link to more photos of t-shirt artwork:

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