Thursday, January 24, 2008

The calm before the Big Night

It is Shakespeare day - but you'd hardly know it! Excitement is high, but everyone is focused on school work...The performance starts at 6. I can't wait. I have pretty much stayed out of rehearsals so that I can enjoy the surprise of seeing the whole production of "Beyond Shakespeare" as a regular audience member.

Creativity, literacy and energy all combine in this one wondrous production. Sean Fagan, our visiting Shakespearean acrobat and actor, knows everyone's name, and after at least six years of working his magic at Parker, he know the kids well. He can tailor each roll to each child.

The weather looks like it's holding, with light snow flurries. Most kids will stay after school and with lots of volunteer parent help, we'll play games and eat pizza, then get into costumes and the show will begin!

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